Client Updates / Articles 

New Leased Access Contact Information Requirement Now in Effect.

Cox Hit with $1 Billion Copyright Infringement Verdict.

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FCC announced that the remainder of its revised children’s television programming rules will go into effect on January 21, 2020; Cable Operators Must File Final Quarterly Certifications by January 10, 2020

ISPs should ensure that their required transparency disclosures are accessible through a website or through the database established by the FCC’s Consumer and Government Affairs Bureau. FCC Acts Against ISPs That Failed to Disclose Network Management Practices.

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New Annual KidVid Certification Requirement Now in Effect

FCC announced that the remainder of its revised children’s television programming rules will go into effect on January 21, 2020; Cable Operators Must File Final Quarterly Certifications by January 10, 2020

ISPs should ensure that their required transparency disclosures are accessible through a website or through the database established by the FCC’s Consumer and Government Affairs Bureau.

FCC Acts Against ISPs That Failed to Disclose Network Management Practices

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