MVPDs Must File Annual KidVid Certifications by January 30, 2023
FCC Action
|Annual KidVid certifications due by January 30, 2023.
FCC Adopts Broadband Consumer Label Requirement
FCC Action
|FCC adopts requirements for ISPs to publish consumer labels informing subscribers and potential customers of specific information at the point of sale about their broadband offerings.
FCC Publishes National Broadband Maps – Challenge Process Begins
FCC Action
|FCC releases a draft of the National Broadband Maps, including options for a party to challenge the data.
FCC Selects MVPDs for 2022 EEO Audits
FCC Action
|FCC randomly selects certain MVPDs for annual EEO audit. Responses are due by Dec. 7, 2022.
FCC Fines 21 Licensees over Three Million Dollars for Violating KidVid Rules
FCC Action
|FCC fines 21 broadcast licensees nearly 3.4 million dollars for exceeding the children’s programming commercial limits in violation of the KidVid Rules.
FCC Regulatory Fee Payments Due September 28, 2022
EEO, FCC Regulatory Fees
|On September 2, 2022, the FCC released an Order and Notice of Inquiry establishing itsFiscal Year 2022 regulatory fees, and announced that regulatory fee payments must be madeno later than September 28, 2022.